Today was my Week 4 weigh-in, and I’m happy to announce that I lost another 2 pounds, which brings me to a total of 16 pounds down. Just in case you need a visualization, the lovely striper in the photo weights 16 pounds.

16 pounds of FISH!
I like having visual reminders of how much of me has dissolved into nothingness, so as long as I remember it, I plan on showing the occasional equivalent.
I was sharing with some friends, just this morning, that I have always believed in the Law of Conservation of Energy, which in part holds that energy holds constant over time and cannot be created or destroyed. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity said that energy equals mass.
So. I’ve lost 16 pounds. Where did it go? I used to maintain that I was overweight enough that I took up the mass that 45 other woman let go of. It has to go somewhere. It must have floated through the universe and attached itself to my ass. Not that I’m totally against the universe bringing me good stuff, but let that fat drift somewhere else and attach its barnacle-like self to someone who needs it. Please.
Having lost 2 pounds this past week, a number of volunteers stepped forward to profess that they had found my 2 pounds attached to their posteriors. Friends, mass cannot be created or destroyed; it only changes form, so I cannot be responsible, mathematically, for releasing two pounds from my body and having it turn into ten pounds cumulatively on several other people. 😉
The last week has been a good one; once again, I need to improve on drinking enough fluid each day. It really does make a difference. How else do you think fat gets out of your body? It has to be released somehow, and this is one of the ways it goes out.
On a final note, I have decided to set my goal at 20% of my total goal met, which means I will meet that goal when I lose a total of 28 pounds, or the total weight of 284 (or below). I’d like to lose a total of 140 pounds, so each 14 pounds will mark another 10% gone. I expect to meet my next goal on or before Week 10.