Week 10: Body Changes

Well, fried crap.  This last week has proven that you can do everything — and I mean everything — perfectly, and still see mixed results.  I’ve put on 1/2 pound since last week’s weigh-in.  I’m not as bummed about it as I was a couple weeks ago; I know, with no doubts, that this past week has been perfect in every way, as far as my own effort goes.  It’s my body, deciding to hang on to water; the last couple weeks have brought some menstrual gymnastics that have played havoc, and I’m blaming them. Temperatures in excess of 100 degrees outside probably have also played a part in water retention.  I feel like I’m holding quite a bit, even though I only need to lose 1 pound to be in new loss territory, so I’ve probably been losing mass for a few weeks.

At this point, because I believe there are things going on in my body that are resulting in gains rather than losses, I’m going to stay with my current level of carbs, calories, exercise, and water intake.  On one hand, I’d really love to finally have a big whoosh! and see the results on the scale; but on the other hand, I’m not going to let that scale rule my life.

I can tell a difference in my clothing.  A pair of blue jean shorts I bought a few weeks ago are getting noticeably looser, despite hanging onto water.  I now have a couple of old shorts that I’ve survived the last two summers in, that I may burn when I reach my next weight goal; those things are awful!  I never want to see them again!

I also went to the doctor for annual stuff this last week.  My blood pressure was 136/90, which for me, is on the high side.  I will be back in for a follow-up in a couple weeks, to discuss the results of blood tests, to I’m hoping that it’ll have come down by then.

Yeah, it’s a boring post, this week — I’m posting mostly for accountability.

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