I'm losing my pot. 28.5 pounds of it.
You’d think I had a crappy week last week, considering that I normally update my blog on Fridays; that’s my weigh-in day. But no. I was gone for the day last Friday, and then dove headlong into the long Labor Day weekend, so I wasn’t able to share my good news until today.
I’ve met my second weight goal. I’m 20% of the way!
I was thrilled last week to see 283.5 on the scale; my weight goal was at 284 pounds. That’s a total loss of 28.5; each 14 pounds is another 10% toward my goal of losing 140 pounds. My next weight goal is 270, which I hope to achieve around my birthday, in late October.
(Yes, that’s 28.5 pounds of marijuana pictured; I’m so tired of using fish or small children to illustrate my weight loss. So why not pot? Isn’t that what I’m losing, too? 😉 )
I made the willing choice to extend my normal 2 day carb and calorie up days to 3 days. While I didn’t go just flat out overboard, I also think that it was probably enough to offset a weight loss for this coming Friday, but if some more weight finds its way off of me, I’m certainly not going to complain!
I will add that I reached an exercise breakthrough point this morning that made me quite happy. Usually, when I start/restart/rerererererestart exercise, I have to fake it until I make it; I have to push myself to keep going until I reach that magical point where I find myself smiling during exercise. I reached that point this morning. It accompanied a nice little adrenaline rush.
This absolutely delights me, because it’s when I reach this point that I’m most likely to successfully continue. I increased my total time this morning, which I planned before exercising; it was just a pleasant coincidence. Next week, I will slowly start incorporating strength training back into my routine. I’m sure I’ll have plenty to say about that when the time comes. 😀