Week 16: Stay The Course

I’m in the process of dumping the water weight I’ve put on in the last couple weeks.  The reasons for the gain are numerous, but they come down to one thing: not being as careful as I should be.  I’m glad to report that this past week, I have had perfect fitness days, which means that fluid intake, exercise, and eating have all been right where they need to be.  As a result, I lost four pounds of the water weight I’ve gained over the last couple of weeks.  I have three more to go, and as long as I am working my plan, I’m sure they will leave, as well — and hopefully carry a few pounds of fat with them.

I think some of the water weight is lingering because I got my exercise mojo back this week, and changed some things up; muscle requires water to repair.  As my muscles repair, the water needed for that will join the rest that’s flooding out.  I’ll outline my exercise changes on the Exercise Progress page.

Now… on to something that I’m not happy about.  That’s sabotage.  These past couple of weeks, I’ve sabotaged myself and not been as focused as I should have been; but I’ve also allowed others to sabotage my efforts.  While it pisses me off to have to work against the devices of those who say they love me, letting them sabotage me is my own decision. My success is my responsibility, not theirs, regardless of any support (or lack of it) they may show.

Sabotage is one of those endless mind games, and I think that I’m more prone to letting sabotage creep in around the edges in the state I’m in — that state in which my weight loss is still not noticeable to others (unless they were already aware of it, because I told them), and there’s still that part of my mind that says you can back out, now, before it’s too late.  I have no intention of doing that, but I admit that having the reinforcement of people noticing weight loss does tend to beat down that inner voice, and that vulnerability to sabotage.

Dear Sabotage: Screw You. Signed, Inner Voice.

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