Three Weeks — Going Strong!

I’ve finished three weeks, and so far, everything is going well.  I have gotten all workouts in, eaten well, rested well, and I’m working on improving water intake.

And believe me, it hasn’t been easy; especially the workouts, since I’m working out in a pool, and I live in an area of the country that has gotten ransacked by seemingly nonstop severe thunderstorms.  Lightning?  No pool.  Still, I’ve managed to get in scheduled workouts, even when it’s meant going in on a Saturday morning. Go, me!

I haven’t made it into my goal pants, yet, but I continue to try them on once a week; on Fridays.  I can tell that I’m getting closer.  I can also tell that my body is reacting well to the change in food and exercise.  The best thing, though, is that my mind is reacting well to it, too; taking away the scale as a factor is probably one of the smarter things I’ve ever done, in regards to weight loss.

Soon, a month will have passed.  I’m glad I made the decision that Monday a few weeks ago to just do it and get on with the program.

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