Yes, my friends: four weeks, FOR THE WIN! While I haven’t gotten to a weighing point yet (beyond my initial weigh-in), I believe things are going quite well. This time around has been easier.
I believe one of the reasons is because I’ve taken away my mental arguments about weighing. I feel great when I see the scale go down, and even if I’m feeling on top of the world right before a weigh-in that shows a gain (or no loss), I feel like a failure. I can tell myself all the normal stuff of how my body is still making progress despite what the scale says, that I’m getting stronger and healthier, that my measurements are a better indicator… but when it comes right down to it, unfavorable scale readings really do get in my head. Removing that from the equation has made things a lot easier.
In fact, when I do get down into my goal pants, I’m considering not weighing at that point, either. Sure, somewhere down the road, I will likely weigh in; if I go to the doctor, I won’t have a choice. Neutralizing that mind game shifts my focus to what’s important: the true signs of what’s happening with my body.
I have three months before leaving for vacation. I will have to be more mobile than I currently am, if I’m going to enjoy my vacation, so I intend to focus myself on that goal and continue strongly through vacation. I have nearly one month behind me, and from my experience, getting back on the wagon is a battle won. The next battle is staying focused and committed enough to stick to it, and that’s where I am, now.