Week 11: Coasting

I admit that this week, I feel like I’m just coasting.  Late Friday, I came down with some sort of stomach virus, and it has taken a couple of days to just totally shake feeling crappy, so even though I’m on track with food and exercise, I’m just sort of apathetic at the moment.  I’m going through the motions and I’m not particularly excited about anything, but the truth of the matter is, I’m tired.  I’d probably feel a might bit perkier if I weren’t wanting to crawl into bed and sleep for a few more hours.

Overall, I require less sleep these days, which is good.  I’m getting up every morning and going in for pool work; it’s becoming habit to do it.  I’m eating well.  I’m just not feeling that spark at the moment, and days like these will come and go, so I’m not particularly worried about it.

I am happy that I’m at 11 weeks.  Any time I first start a weight loss effort, I just hope I’ll stay on it for the long term, and I know that at some point, I’ll look back and think “wow, have I been at it for that long? Go, me!”  So, 11 weeks — Go, Me!  I think in my mind, I want to pass that 16 week mark, but considering that I topped out at 28.5 lbs and then started gaining during that 16 week effort, maybe I’ve already mentally passed that mark.  I’m not warring with myself like I was, then.

Later this week, I’ll finish a 6 week “mini-challenge” based on wearing skinny jeans and getting them to where they’ll fit better.  I suppose my capris fit better than they did when I started, but not by much.  Still.  I’m making other sorts of progress that aren’t measurable by anything other than me paying attention, like requiring less sleep, and being able to swim 40 laps without stopping.  There are just some forms of progress that I have to be happy with the knowledge of change rather than being able to show something tangible for it. Anyway — I digress — I may well weigh on a legit scale on Friday, just so I know where I’m at since it’s the end of the mini-challenge.

Moving forward… onward and downward!

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