Week 12: Doing Good!

Wow, Week 12!  I’m almost at the 3-month mark.  Hard to believe!

I’ve managed to shove my automatic OCD thoughts about the scale out of my brain.  This really is a big accomplishment, because it’s been historically easy for me to convince myself that the number doesn’t matter, only to start giving up a little at a time; skip a workout here and make an excuse, eat a little extra there.  I’m feeling pretty solid these days, and that’s huge, people.

I also chose my new try-on pants; they’re size 24 Riders, and I have worn them in the past.  I won’t have to lose as much for them to fit; I was able to zip them up and button them, but they’re tight, a bit all over, but especially in the upper thigh/crotch area.  I’m continuing a 6-week “Skinny Pants” challenge, and I think these pants won’t be so overwhelmingly difficult to get into; the capris were so tight when I first tried them on that I could barely get them up, let alone trying to button and zip them.  This pair should show some results, and it should be more rewarding.  Plus: no slimming panel. WIN!

Exercise is paying off.  There are things I was able to do this weekend that have been difficult for me in the past.  I didn’t do them easily, but the fact that I could do them at all is noteworthy.  Sometimes I get frustrated with exercise, because it seems like it’s still hard to get around, and that’s true; but having stuck with exercise consistently has paid off.  Although it’s still difficult for me to stand for really any period of time, I’m able to walk around and do tasks for much longer than I was able to just a few months ago.  It makes me feel a bit more normal.

I like where I am right now.  I think as long as I stick to my guns, the weight will continue to come off.  Yes, it’s a slow process, but eventually, I’ll get to my goal.

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