Week 14, and Pants Try-On!

Flippin’ heck, my mind is getting away from me.  I didn’t post on Monday or Friday, so this post covers both.

Week 14.  Wow.  I’m thrilled to still be in this journey, and I think I’m making good headway.  But… I sincerely need to buckle my brain down.  Not only did I forget to check in on Monday, but I’ve also been dealing with some mental demons this week. And the sad part of it is — I’m doing well!  This blog is here to remind me that I have to remain vigilant, that I have made myself promises that I intend to keep, that I need to remember that the journey toward ideal health and weight loss is as much mental as it is physical.

So, Week 14 found me still fighting the good fight, overall.  I still have done well with exercise; I have yet to miss a planned session, but I’ve also been tempted to just stay in bed a few times instead of getting up and working out.  That’s a bad mistake; not only is the pool more likely to be available in the morning for swimming laps, but I just do better both mentally and physically if I get my workout done first thing.  Waiting until later in the day presents me with too many opportunities to just put it off.  While I believe my body could use a break, I’m going to have a week’s break from formal exercise next week, when we are on vacation.

As for the mental demons, I’ve found myself wishing for foods that aren’t really acceptable.  I haven’t caved in, but I have craved, which is unusual for me, and it’s a sign that I might be trying to derail myself.  I’m letting doubt creep in, as well as allowing myself to want foods and miss foods that aren’t good for me.  For the most part, I keep myself in a mental place where food just isn’t an issue, so allowing that in is a sign that, as I said earlier, I need to watch myself and not allow the slip.  That’s especially true, since we’ll be on vacation by this time next week, and I still haven’t come up with a solid approach for how I’ll handle things food-wise.  I’m going to do some thinking about it this weekend.

Finally, the pants try-on: I nearly forgot, but I did try on the jeans yesterday, Friday, which is my usual day for doing that.  Good news: they are starting to feel less constricting.  Just slightly, but there is a difference.  Terrific!  I needed that little boost.  I need to remember, especially next week when I’m wearing clothes that wouldn’t fit just a few months ago, that I’m making progress and I have much to be proud of.

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