Week 18: Try-On Pants

As you can tell, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve tried on my goal pants.  Honestly, I’ve been hesitant about it because I’ve been fighting a lot of demons since coming home from vacation a couple of weeks ago, and was afraid I’d gained weight instead of losing.  I’ve been concerned that if the pants fit worse, I’d lose what little mojo I have right now.

I sucked it up and tried them on this morning.  They actually fit better!  They’re far from being loose, and I wouldn’t wear them for the day just yet, but they were definitely easier to get on.  Yay!  I really didn’t expect good news, but I know I needed it mentally.  Knowing that I’m still making progress is going to help me push through and get fully back in my good habits.

Unlike my first try-on pants (the capris with the “slimming panel”), these are tighter through the thighs rather than the gut.  So, it’s a changed area of emphasis for reducing.  Not that I’m trying to spot-lose; there really isn’t any such thing.  The body doesn’t lose fat uniformly, but it also doesn’t shed it in just certain places of focus.  It loses it in the reverse of how it was gained, and considering most of my recent weight has been in my butt and thighs, it’s likely that’s where I’ll be losing the most over weeks/months to come.

In other news, I got in two workouts this week, and will get a third one today.  It’s not ideal, but it is an improvement.

On another note, those who live in my geographical region can relate: over the past couple months, the heat has been excessive.  Heat has been nearly record-breaking in duration, and in my area, there was a new high temperature set last week; it was the highest recorded temperature ever, since 1878, and not just for that particular date.

Although most of us have air conditioning, I could still see and sense a difference in people.  Intense heat brings just about everyone down.  You feel lethargic, like just thinking about moving will break you out in a sweat.  It just zaps both physical and mental strength, and no one wants to do anything until the heat breaks.

Now that the temperatures are lower, and more like average August temperatures, I know I feel lots better.  This weather actually feels cool after multiple weeks of 100+ temperatures.  I feel better about moving, and I feel better about myself, too.

Finally, it’s important to me to get back to hard work.  I think around the four month point, I hit a mental failure point where my mind just keeps telling me that I should just say “screw it” and eat what I want, that there are rewards to eating things I like, and that I shouldn’t be concerned with the consequences.  That I should just relax.  That’s a very strong pull.  I have to want my goal more than the instant rewards of eating junk food and sitting on my ass.  I have to keep the thought that what I attain in the long run is much more rewarding than eating a bag of Fritos right now.  The temptation has been strong for the past couple weeks, and I need to work on leaving that behind me.

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