Half a year. 6 months of working on making myself better through diet and exercise. 26 weeks of improving my lifestyle. That’s pretty awesome.
I try not to think too far down the road, but I will admit that hitting that half-a-year mark gives me thoughts of where I might be in another six months, or even a year down the road. I’m starting to allow myself to think about participating in events that require a bit more physicality from me, as well as losing more weight. I do have to reign myself in and remember that this a day-to-day process, and I can’t depend on the next six months producing another 36 pounds off… but I confess it’s still a nice thought to believe it’s possible, and it is.
I’m very glad to have made it this far, and at the moment, I am strong and confident that this effort will continue. I have good reasons to want to become healthier; incentives to hold in my mind on days when my confidence is flagging. One of the events I’ve been looking forward to is this weekend; it’s an outdoor festival that I attend every year, and it requires a fair amount of walking if you want to fully enjoy the time there. I can hardly wait! This is a reward for me.
What will the next six months bring? It’s up to me.