Week 36: Goal Pants

Okay, it’s back to the drawing board for the goal pants… at least partially.  I’ve decided to use just one pair, because the other pair is too stretchy to be a good indicator of changing size.

The other pair, some black size 22 Riders, have no stretch at all.  I was hesitant to use them because it’s going to be a longer stretch to fit into them; or so I thought.  Since last week, it appears I’m much closer to getting them to fit.  I suspected I’d lost some weight this week, since the jeans I’ve been wearing have been fitting looser, but sometimes I tell myself it’s because they’ve relaxed after wear.

Not so.  There really is a loss.  Last week, the black pair would come up on my hips, but not very far, and that’s one of the reasons I was looking at using the secondary pair.  I thought that realistically, it was going to be a long time before I’d even get them to the point where I could even get the sides of the waist (where the button is) to touch each other.

But that happened this morning!  I didn’t try the lay-down-on-the-bed trick, but I was able to touch the sides together and get the jeans further up my hips. I’m very pleasantly surprised. Because of this, I’m ditching the other pair; they have too much stretch in them and go on easily. They just look like they’re tight, but they’re actually comfortable to wear.  I have a feeling they’d be the kind of pants that grow while you’re wearing them. I may have to find out, because if that’s the case, I could wear them now.

I’ve been looking forward and wondering what size jeans I’ll be in six months from now.  I found a pair of 18 jeans while I was rummaging around for something else; to me, holding them up, they look so small!  And they are, in comparison to the sizes I’ve worn before.  Even if those size 18s are further down the road than I’d like to contemplate, it felt good to look at them and consider that I will fit into them at some point, rather than feeling discouraged because I can’t wear them right now.

This is evidence to myself that I’m currently on the right mental track, and everything seems to be working well.

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