Week 38, 39: A New Year

First things, first: I didn’t post at all last week, and hence the title.

The holidays sucked me down into the dark abyss, both time-wise and, unfortunately, diet-wise.  I didn’t go totally off my plan, but I made more concessions and indulged more than I originally planned.  For that reason, I didn’t try on goal pants last week at all.  This week, I can feel the bloat.  Any time I overeat on carbs, I carry water weight in addition to whatever other damage an overindulgence may have caused.

I’m keeping things honest with myself… I could have behaved much better during the holidays.  I’m pretty sure I didn’t lose anything; but I’m also relatively sure I didn’t gain anything, either.  Since I have stayed off the scale, my only indicators are how my clothes fit, and before this last weekend’s food frolic, my clothes were fitting loosely.  In fact, I did try on my goal shirt, and I consider it a fit, now.  So that’s one plus for the holidays.

Another plus is that as of this morning, I’m back to routine. My goals for the next few weeks are to work out five times a week and to return to a 5/2 carb and calorie rotation.  The last couple weeks, I have allowed myself 4 day long up-days.  I’m nearly 9 months into this effort, and while the holidays are always a challenge (on a lot of different levels!), I’m thrilled to be on the other side.  I missed behaving.  That’s probably the best news there is; I actually craved getting back to a decent eating and exercise routine.


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