Week 40: Pushing Through

Okay, I couldn’t resist the title, considering it’s Week 40. 😉

I admit that I tend to get discouraged at weird times. Right now, I’m discouraged; not because there are really any signs that I’m not doing well, but because this is a really mentally draining time of year for me, and I struggle every winter to get and keep my head in the right place — about everything, not just making sure I’m treating myself right.

It’s cold and dreary out.  Every single day that it’s like this, I have to really fight to not just curl up and hibernate.  I don’t want to expend energy (exercise).  I don’t want to have to think about what to eat, let alone be accountable for it.  I don’t want to be social, I don’t want to do the things I know I should. That’s on all fronts.

So every year, through January and February, I fake it until I make it.  That’s where I am, right now, mentally speaking. I’m pushing myself to do the things that I’ve already proven to myself are successful, instead of taking the easiest route.  I’m working on making sure I eat right and exercise.  This will be the first week in the last month that I will have the opportunity to put in a full five days of working out, as well as eating right for the week.  I’m going to push hard and embrace it, even though right now, it’s just an effort.  Everything is an effort.

While I’m sort of numb about it right now, I know without a doubt that once these next few weeks pass, I will be happy that I pushed through.  Instead of feeling bad about myself because I slacked and gained weight or stopped exercising altogether, I will be stronger and healthier.  I’m keeping that vision in front of me. I know what I’m feeling, now, will pass.

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