Friends, I am down another pound — and the ticker is updated to 63.2 pounds lost! This has special significance, too — more about that in a bit! Yep, I’m doing a happy dance!
Bucky the Wonder Goat weighs 63 pounds!
I freely admit that I love warm weather, and detest the cold — but there’s just something about the first cool hint of fall that invigorates me. Perhaps it’s the beginning of the school year, and all the old memories it brings; as the wife of a teacher, I’m caught in a constant repeat of school cycles, and quite often, it’s the best of my own days that revisit. I also take in the slant of the sun that hints at the golden days of fall yet to come, lower humidity, open windows, a hint of chill in the morning.
Sooner or later, this sort of weather stirs up a desire to set things to order. Yesterday was just such a day, and I’ve been digging through my archive of clothing.
I have several levels of archives. I keep one drawer in my bedroom that has clothes that are just a little bit small, in hopes that I can fit into them and rotate those clothes into regular use — and, by extension, get rid of some things that are too big. Yesterday, I did exactly that, thanks in part to pulling a pair of jeans out of a drawer, because it was cool outside and I had an errand to run. (I live in a warm climate and I work from home; I haven’t had on a pair of jeans since spring.)
My “goal drawer” had four pairs of capris in it; three pair that I’ve worn when I’ve been smaller, and a pair I bought last year. I’m sure I’m not alone in this; I bought the pair by size, and by all rights, they should have fit. I’m not sure whether it was my desire to fit in them or my lack of desire to deal with a return that made me keep them; this happens more often than I care to discuss. I bought them because they were a great bargain; well, if I never actually wear them, are they really a bargain?
Today, though, they fit. They’re a bargain, again. 😉 Not only that, but three out of four pair fit. Perfect for fall weather! This also means that I’m going to move out some things that are too large, and I will get them out of my house — I will not allow for the possibility that I’ll gain this weight back, yet again, and need them.
My goal drawer barely has anything in it, now, so it’s time to dive back into the clothes archives and look for a few things that are just a bit snug. (I’m sure I have plenty to choose from.)
It’s also with some pride that I’ve realized I’m approaching a milestone; like many people who have lost a lot of weight over the course of their lifetimes, I have numbers I keep in mind that I want to beat. My biggest number to beat is 140.5, which I accomplished over a decade ago now, but second to that was my most recent loss before this one, and documented on this blog.
I’ve had it in my mind forever that I lost 70 pounds during that effort — but going back to my numbers, I see that I actually lost 63 pounds, total.
63! Now, why does that number seem so familiar? 😉
Surpassing this number will mark this weight loss effort as my second most successful effort, and considering that I had a relatively easy time of it the first go-round, until I hit the plateau to end all plateaus, is monumental. I’ve faced a lot of roadblocks that didn’t exist during that big loss; age being the most obvious, followed by knee problems that have limited my ability to exercise, menopause, hormonal imbalances.
As I pass that 63 mark, I realize I’ve learned some lessons since that last round of weight loss. I ended that weight loss by going on vacation and becoming thoroughly disgusted with myself, giving up the effort, and not only regaining all of my weight — but more on top of it. I believe I’m stronger than that, now, and while I still get frustrated and want to give up, I also know the harsh reality is that giving up just hurts me more.
I have a few more milestones to pass in the next few pounds, and I’m looking forward to sweeping right on by them. Because, at some point, I’m going to open that goal drawer and there will be no more clothes left to take out.