The Bright Side

This is one of those times when I really don’t know what to write about, so consider this a mini-confessional of sorts; nothing bad, just a State of Lisa Address, if you will.

I am not down to my lowest weight, yet, but I am still working on losing. The process has been a slow one; the most likely time for my body to want to fight me on releasing weight seems to be during the winter. I also tend to deal with a lot more weight-related complications, such as being able to get out and exercise, keeping my attitude bright, and focusing on where I’m going instead of where I’m at. Winter just drags me down more than normal.

It’s nothing all that special; it’s life adjustments, and perhaps that’s the beauty of it. We’ve had a number of weird little (and not so little) mishaps recently, and I’ve made an effort to stay positive about them. Prime Example: our water heater decided to retire ungracefully last Sunday evening. I had been gone for the afternoon; in the evening, my husband stepped on a damp spot just outside the utility room. I admit I blamed my dog, first. She wasn’t guilty. Shame on me!

The water heater started dripping a slow leak. After conferring with the Wizards of Google, who say there are only two types of water heater leaks, it turned out that we had the worse of the two possibilities. The leak, from the bottom, was an indicator that not only was the inner tank’s rivets likely rusting out, but they could give way completely and drench the floor and nearby walls. The best option was to turn off both the gas and the water access; we both took quick showers and crossed our fingers, and then set to turn them both off.

For sure!

The gas was easy to shut off. The water, though? Not so much. We’ve lived in this house for 14 years and there hasn’t been a reason to turn off the water valve — it was firmly stuck in the open position. Ugh! We put down towels and hoped it would hold until the morning, when we called our landlord to report the issue. He sent plumbers out on Monday to replace the unit and we had hot water back on by late afternoon.

That’s the simple version; the longer version left me feeling thankful for many things.

First, we rent. While it’s an unfortunate expense for our landlord, we are happy to have a great one who is quick to respond to issues when they happen. Although he couldn’t do the job himself (and he usually can, because he’s quite capable), he was able to send out a plumber who was courteous, honest, and did a great job. It also wasn’t an unexpected expense for us, although we try to take care of the smaller things and not call our landlord unless there’s something big. (And a good thing for him that we react quickly to the big issues!)

Second, we didn’t end up with a gusher. That would have been horrible! We were also at home when it happened; the plumber talked about someone whose water heater completely gave way while they were gone on vacation and the whole house sustained significant water damage from running for so long.

Third, it happened while my husband was home for President’s Day. He didn’t have to find a place to shower before work, and I’m uncomfortable with service people in the house when I’m alone, so having him home was a bonus. I had an issue with a satellite repairman many years ago who made a pass at me, including unwanted physical contact, and I’ve not much cared for being alone with service people in the house since then.

Fourth, the same plumber took care of a minor issue I was going to call a plumber about while he was there. Time saver!

It helps to keep a positive attitude and make the effort to stay positive; not just in situations like this one, but in dealing with the challenges I face in retracing my weight loss efforts. Heck yes, it’s frustrating to lose the same weight after regaining, but there have been plenty of times when I simply gave in to the frustration and let myself just keep gaining. I have always known that the answer to breaking through to a lower weight never includes eating myself silly, but I’ve been guilty of letting emotions run the show; I’m not totally immune to that, but I’m much more in control than ever. Thank goodness!

Spring is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to doing the things I love; camping, walking outside, maybe even getting on a bike, if I can get my nerve up to do it. While the things that stand in my way frustrate me, I also know they’re temporary, and given time and effort, the bright side will shine through.

Don’t take yourself so seriously.

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