Pants Try-On — Week 9

I admit I’m getting a little bit frustrated with my choice for try-on pants, but it’s my error, and I’ve learned from it.  As I’ve stated before, these are new capri jeans with a slimming panel in them.  They’re the same brand as jeans I have that fit, but I made the assumption that they would fit the same way.  Shame on me for making that assumption.

The problem?  The fit doesn’t seem to be changing from one week to the next.  They feel pretty consistent from one week to the next.  The thing is that I’ve been trying on other clothes that have gone from being tight to fitting, including pants.  The only thing I can think of is that since I’ve never actually worn these capris, I don’t know how they fit me… because I can’t know that until they do.  What I should have done was chosen a pair of pants that I own and previously fit me, so I’d know for sure.

So, while I’m convinced that weight loss continues because I have other measuring indicators (fit of other clothing that I’ve owned for a while), I’m going to continue to use the same pair of capri jeans for try-on, because eventually, I will lose enough weight that they’ll be more appropriate for wear.  Then, I’ll know if they actually fit my body type.  Until then, I’ll keep my focus on working out, eating correctly, getting my sleep, getting my water in.   Then, when they fit appropriately, I’ll choose my next try-on pants from ones I already own that are too small.

Yeah, I’m laughing at myself in a way, because I should have known better than to choose something that’s a new garment, let alone one with a slimming panel (which by definition means that it’s going to hold something in, right?).  I wonder if I subconsciously knew that there was the risk that I’d sabotage my own efforts, because hey, it wouldn’t be the first time.  But I’m gonna keep pushing forward.  I really want this.

As a side note, I moved to 5 workouts a week, 45 minutes a session, and as of this morning, completed yet another perfect workout week.  *Taking a bow*

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