Week 10: Try-On Pants, Episode 92582345235252

Well, at least it seems like it’s been that many times that I’ve tried on those capris!

I’m wearing them right now.  I decided to give it a whirl.  They feel fine everywhere except the dreaded and infamous slimming panel.  So, I’m gonna wear them for a few hours and see if the fit changes.  I had planned on doing this before, and just never did it.  I have a pile of clothes to wash and these are clean, which is probably just as good a reason as any.  I can breathe in them, which is definitely good news; I won’t be dying of oxygen deprivation because of this experiment. 😀

My conclusion: I’m losing weight, but not in my stomach.  At least not recently.  I have lost weight in my butt and legs; the capris fit fine there.  I think mentally, that has thrown me off, because even when obese, my waist tends to be out of proportion with my hips; if I get something to fit in my hips, it’s usually too big in the waist.  It’s quite unusual to be the other way around, but not impossible.  Not to mention, nothing says that I’m losing weight in the same places that I have, previously.  That nasty menopause is right around the corner, and my waist just might not drop as much or as quickly as in previous attempts.  Regardless, I’ll live with it.  I have to, don’t I?  It’s just where I happen to be, right now.  It’s not where I’ll be in another month or year.

I also decided to weigh myself this morning.  Never fear… it wasn’t a real weigh-in; my home scales are digital and won’t weigh over 300 pounds.  Anything over 300 produces an error, which is exactly what I got this morning.  That’s why I say it’s not a “real” weigh-in; it was just more or less a test to see if I was under 300, without knowing exactly how much weight I’ve lost.  I would have been pleasantly surprised if that’s what the scale showed.  My last effort was 16 weeks long, and I lost 28 pounds; I’m 10 weeks in, and I would have had to have lost 35 pounds to put me under the 300 mark.  Again, not impossible — but not likely, either.

Now, I have a fear to voice.  I was out running errands just a couple days ago, and had to do more than my usual share of walking and standing around.  By the end of the day, I was in some pain, thanks to arthritis.  Standing in one place bothers me most of all, and there were several occasions where I had to do exactly that.  On the good side, I was able to move around more than I have, previously.  On the bad side, I am heading on vacation in a little more than a month, and the thought of being in pain every day because of being out and active distresses me a bit.  I was hoping I would be further along in weight loss so the burden on my knees wouldn’t be so great.  To add to that, the pain in my left hip appears to be returning.  This is despite being diligent with exercise and strengthening muscles all over my body.

I don’t want to be in pain. I want to enjoy my vacation.  I’m really hoping that some of these issues improve in the next month.  Considering the strides I’ve made in the past 2 1/2 months, I’m sure things will be better by then.

On the frivolous side: I bought myself some blingy flip-flops.  They have a low heel.  I haven’t bought anything with any kind of heel to it in the last couple of years, because of my knees.  I’m only going to wear them for events where a minimum of walking is required.  I admit that I’m a shoe whore, and it just bothers the heck out of me that my weight and my knees have taken me out of wearing cute footwear, so I treated myself.  😀

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