Pants Try-On: Week 12

I selected a smaller pair of jeans, last week, after calling the capris a win.  I tried them on just now, and I really can’t tell any significant difference, but it’s pretty early in the game for that.  Still, I’ve posted every Friday and every Monday, so I’m going to continue with that.

I think I also posted that I took one of the two pair of jeans that fit and made them into cutoffs, and also sewed up a rip in the seat.  They are most definitely shorts that I will only wear at home, especially since my handiwork might decide to part and I’d be flashing undie-color-of-the-day to unwilling victims.  I’m mentioning them, though, because I’m wearing them right now, and if I ever need to remember that I have come some way in losing weight, I just need to put them on.

When I started 12 weeks ago, I could wear the jeans, but not comfortably.  They bound at the waist.  I couldn’t wear a belt with them, because frankly, too much of my bubble butt was above the belt line.  I made sure I wore long shirts that would keep me from doing the plumber thing in public — and these jeans are the normal jeans that sit just a little below the normal waistline.

Now?  I’d have to wear a belt to keep them from sagging down.  There’s no plumber issue when sitting; the back of the jeans sits at my waist.  When standing, they’re loose at the waist; several inches loose at the waist.  They’re turning into dumpy pants. 😀  Yay for dumpy pants!

Still, they’re comfy, and that’s why I’m wearing them.

I’d also like to talk about the upcoming weekend; it’s a three day weekend, and I’m not sure what our plans are.  I’m not going to stress myself out over it; it’ll probably be like a normal weekend food-wise, with perhaps an extra day for allowing myself hard alcohol.  Unfortunately, the gym is taking a three day weekend, so I’m more concerned with working out a way to make sure I get my exercise time in next week.  And I’m glad that I’m worried about it, because there was a day when I’d congratulate myself on the gift of having one less day to work out.

That’s it until Monday… well, probably Tuesday next week, although Monday marks three whole months.  Have a great weekend!

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