Week 21: Looking To The Future

Most people do spring cleaning.  Not me.  I tend to wait until after the school year starts, and then I get that urge to put things in order.  Right now, I’m working on putting clothes in order.

Usually, I don’t like going through my clothing when I’m not in a weight loss mode; I get depressed because I’ll come across something I like, and it doesn’t fit.  Or I’ll realize that there are a lot of things that are currently in my wardrobe that I really don’t like, but I don’t want to replace because I don’t want to buy clothes in my current size.  Those of you that have gained weight probably know what I’m talking about; buying something in a larger size feels like giving up.

Going through clothing when I’m in weight loss mode is a lot more fun.  This chore has a few goals; for one, I like being able to reach into any drawer or pull any item from the closet, and know that it fits.  I’m keeping one drawer/area for goal clothes, which are within one size smaller than what I’m currently wearing, but I’m keeping those items separate. (Plus, going through clothes is like shopping, except that I already own the stuff I like!)

Now, back when I lost 140 pounds and went through a ton of sizes, I did a lot of shopping at Goodwill and second-hand stores, because I didn’t plan to stay in a size for too long, and often bought things because they fit and were cheap, but weren’t necessarily my taste.  This time, I have a different view of things; I want to look good and feel good while I’m losing weight, and I think I’m worth taking the time to make those things happen.  Unlike the last time, I have plenty of clothes from smaller sizes; but I am also going to sift through them and get rid of the things I bought to just get me through.

Except for clothes that I wear to clean, I have the goal of wanting everything I wear to be something I really like.  I currently have enough clothes to get me through until spring, at the very least, six months or so. Probably longer than that.  Even if I don’t have many clothes to rotate through, they will be clothes that I like and that I feel good wearing. If I don’t love it, it’s going in the donation pile, even if it still has price tags on it.  No matter where I am in this journey, it’s worth making the effort to feel good about myself.

So that’s where my mind is at right now; I’m doing well, and I’m doing things that will help me out as I continue this journey.

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