Week 21: Goal Pants

My goal pants continue to be *this close* to fitting.  I need a little more loss in my upper thighs, and I’ll consider them a fit.  It’s not like there’s a race or anything to get into them, although I’d love to be able to move on to the next pair by around the beginning of October, but if I do, great.  If not, I keep going.

In a follow-up to my last post, I’d like to report that I bagged up five large garbage bags of clothes.  Lots of those clothes are ones that are too small, but I never did like them, so away they go.  When I am that size, again, chances are I wouldn’t wear the clothes because they aren’t my style.  And life’s too short to be blowing time on things I don’t like. So, in the bag they went. My heart is not broken in the least, and I still have enough clothes of every size between my current size and size 16 to pretty much tide me through — with clothes that I like.

This past week, I ordered some clothes online; two tops from a brand I really like and have worn before, and a pair of capris from a brand I’ve never worn, before, but they were cheap and adding them got me free shipping. (Go ahead and laugh.  When these places put a free shipping over X amount of dollars policy in place, they had suckers like me in mind.) So, the clothes arrived yesterday, and nothing fit as expected.  The tops were both in a size that I currently wear in that brand but they don’t fit like the others; one feels like it’s a full size smaller, and the other fits a little tighter than normal.  The capris are tight.

I’m pretty much like most of the female population in that I really don’t enjoy trying on clothes.  And I’m pretty much like most of the overweight female population in being critical of myself and wanting to beat myself up when a size I thought would fit, doesn’t.  But I didn’t feel that way, yesterday.  I was okay with it.  I’m going to try them all on again, today, and make a final assessment on whether I’ll keep them until they do fit, or return them.  The funny thing?  I placed the order to get the tops, threw in the capris, and it’s the capris that I have the fewest doubts about, even though they’re too tight to wear.  That, my friends, is a mind hurdle. 😉

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