Week 33: State of the Body Address

I’ve got a few things to write about, today.  The holidays are approaching, I’m seeing more positive body changes, and I have a pants dilemma!

I don’t currently have a pair of goal pants to use.  I had an initial goal of working my way through my smaller clothes as best I could without buying anything else, but I can only find one pair of size 22 jeans, and they’re far too small to use as goal jeans.  So, I’ve actually had to order some jeans, and I hope they are a looser size 22 than the ones I have.  Still, I’m thrilled that the next jump is to size 22!  And to think, in the spring, I had stretch 26 jeans that were cutting into my skin when I wore them, and I was afraid I’d be making that dreaded trip to Catherine’s for jeans larger than size 26.  (Just an FYI — I still have a pair of size 34 jeans from Catherine’s that I kept from years ago.)

I’m still seeing lots of neat changes with weight loss, and I’m sure they’ll continue.  I haven’t had the problems I once did with water retention; my body will still hold onto water occasionally, but I think it’s within the normal range.  My knees are feeling much better than they have in some time, and I’m pretty sure that’s from the combination of losing weight and strengthening leg muscles.

My wedding ring is loose enough to take off without feeling like I need to remove the finger with it.  It’s easier to tie my shoes, because there’s not as much of me in the way.  Likewise, there’s not as much of me in the way of the steering wheel in the car.

Whereas I used to have to be picky about what pair of undies I fished out of my underwear drawer, because they might be too small, I now have to be concerned about picking up a pair that might be too big.  A smaller size of underwear is probably in my future about the time I fit into my next goal pants.

I’m losing a fair amount of weight in my face.  I happened to find a pic I’d taken for an avatar on Facebook, and it was almost a year ago; my face is noticeably thinner. Random people now comment on my weight loss.

Some of the disconcerting health issues that moved me toward getting fit, again, have all but disappeared.  It’s been quite some time since I’ve had any racing heart issues.  I don’t have problems with my hip seizing up from sitting on certain kinds of chairs for too long.

I’m still looking forward to doing things like being able to cross my legs.  That’s a long bit off yet, I think.

All in all, I’m moving easier, getting up and down from couches and chairs is much easier. Personal hygiene issues aren’t nearly the issue they used to be.

I’ve been on T3 (Cytomel) for about six weeks, now, and I have to say that I think it’s helping.  The early afternoon used to be a tough time for me to stay awake; I just had to struggle my way through, or give up and take a nap. (Good thing I’m self-employed, and work from home!)  Now, while I still occasionally feel sleepy in the early afternoon, it’s not as much of a struggle to stay awake and focused. I don’t have that brain fog quite as much as I did previously; now, if I have brain fog, it’s from lack of caffeine.

I also noticed that my outer eyebrows are starting to fill in.  How neat is that?  People with hypothyroid may see the outside half of their eyebrows lose hair, and I’m one of those people; I was working on my eyebrows the other day, and noticed that I’m getting more hair growth there.

I feel tons better with 44 pounds off.  I know I’ll feel even better with another 44 off, and another 44 after that.

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