Week 7 Weigh-In: Speed Bumps

I’ll get this over with, quickly: I saw a 3 pound gain this week.  Considering the mental sabotage I dealt with earlier in the week, I did expect either no loss or a slight gain, but not 3 pounds.  It’s another mental thing I’m having to deal with: I can easily become very scale dependent and get hung up on those numbers.  I was hoping that I might break that 20 pound number this week, but that will come in time.

Instead, I’m listening to my body.  I have made some good changes this week, but they haven’t had time to benefit me, yet.  The big one is adding exercise back in; for now, I will be water jogging three times a week. As of this morning, I’ve done two of three sessions for the week, and the last session will be later today.  I also switched what I was eating for breakfast; partly because I was getting bored with what I was eating, and having to cook breakfast was getting on my nerves and making me eat later than I should, but also because I haven’t been getting enough fiber.  That started yesterday.

My body is telling me that I’m currently holding water.  I can feel it in my joints; even my fingers are stiff.  My body can pull up to 15 pounds of water weight at any given time, so carrying 3-5 isn’t major for me.  I didn’t drink water like I should have this past week, so I plan to be more diligent overall this next week.

I am also not going to flog myself by changing my total loss shown.  If for some reason this weight doesn’t come off next week and take a couple extra pounds with it, I’ll reconsider.

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