While I’m still working to get the holiday surplus poundage off, I admit that I’m pretty irritated to have to lose the same pounds again… and again… and again.
Here I am, though, writing this blog, and I intend to keep it up until my brain is in the right place for success, because I know that’s what it takes. That’s the point of this blog; it’s not for you, my friend. It’s for me.
I’ve been giving some thought to success; not only in weight loss, but generally speaking, since I’ve recently gone through a career shift. Not to mention, there are just things going on in my life that have made me reevaluate my priorities; nothing does that quicker, I think, than having someone close to you with a terminal disease, and nearing the end of their life.
It occurred to me that one of the reasons I’ve stuck with the blog this time around, even though I haven’t always been gung-ho on my weight loss efforts, is because I am surrounded by people who are inspirations to me. I look at them, I look at the odds they face, and they unknowingly reinforce my dedication to getting this weight off and getting to a healthier place.
These heroes aren’t the sort of folks who beat their chests about their achievements; they quietly go about their ways, achieving awesomeness without the world cheering at their feet. They aren’t signing autographs, making endorsement deals, or dancing down a red carpet.
No, they’re the folks whose stories surround me, and encourage me, whether they’re aware of it or not. They’re the people who make the effort to improve their lives and situations, one small step — and maybe a large set-back or two — at a time.
They include the many people I know and have known for years, who ten years ago, never would have dreamed of running a marathon, or a half, or a 5K… or even around the block. And yet, today, they are runners.
They are the people who have made drastic lifestyle choices, and are learning to live with new bodies. Believe me, that’s no small feat; the work is hardly over when you reach that magic number on the scale. Although I don’t know that by my own experiences, I know it through the stories of friends who continue to fight each day for their health.
These are the people who make the effort instead of excuses. They are human, they are fallible, they occasionally trip and fall — but they persevere, because they’ve tapped into whatever wellspring of strength they need to succeed.
Chances are if you’re reading this… you might just be one of these people.
Thank you. Seeing you face your challenges on a daily basis makes me think I should be trying just a little bit harder than I am — so that one day, my own story will be counted among those who quietly go about their ways, and yet provide inspiration for someone who happens to need it.