Week 14: Predictability

The scale wasn’t good to me this week.  A four pound gain, which I can tell by my joints is water weight; I didn’t eat in excess enough to have put on four real pounds.

Here’s the thing, though, and for someone like me, it’s good: I know why I gained the weight.  I can look at what I didn’t do right this week, and totally understand where that weight came from.  It’s cause and effect, and quite often, in the process of weight loss, people will hit a stall or a gain, and not understand why.  I understand, and that counts for something; that also means I can change what I’m doing and be fairly sure of the results.

This week, as stated in my last post, I had 3 up days instead of 2; a decision I consciously made.  I finished a round of knee injections, which took me out of exercise for the end of the week.  And finally, I haven’t been getting in the amount of fluid that I know I need in order to lose weight; as a result, my body is hanging on to water.  Changing these things next week should reverse things for me.

This week, I really don’t have much more to add than that; I’m still pumped about my progress, and I know it will continue. I have some exercise changes coming up, as well.

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