I can hardly believe it’s Week 9. I’m feeling pretty good this week. My most previous weight loss effort fizzled at Week 16; well, probably before that, but Week 16 is the last week I blogged about it. So, I’m past the halfway point of that effort, and have already been exercising for longer than I did in that effort. I’m quite proud of being in a state of mind that isn’t allowing for excuses to get out of exercising.
It’s time for another recap of how I’m feeling; and in a word, it’s “good”. Any number of things that were bothering me when I first started this effort have either decreased quite a bit or disappeared entirely. My knees are feeling better, which is a huge thing; this is probably a combination of weather, exercising, and losing weight. Matters of personal hygiene are easier. My ability to get up from a seated position is improving greatly.
All of my clothes are fitting better, including underwear. I have several pairs of shorts that I’ve been living in, and they are to a point of being absolutely disgraceful; they are huge and shapeless. I really need to get rid of them, but I don’t have enough comfortable alternatives at the moment. Shirts that were a little on the snug side are now getting loose. Bathing suits are fitting differently.
Mentally, I feel pretty strong right now. I’m in a groove. Eating healthy isn’t an issue, and getting exercise in is a priority. I’m drinking enough water and getting enough sleep. These are the things that really need to be in place in order for me to lose weight.
I seem to have hit on the right number of carbs and calories for me to lose, in combo with exercise, at this point in my journey. I have done some things differently this time around, and they seem to be helping. Usually, when I do low carb, I depend on cheese, to the point where I might eat six or more ounces of cheese a day. I’ve reduced the amount of cheese I eat; usually, at most, I might have two ounces. Before, I relied heavily on protein and fats; and while that’s still an important part of my diet, I am trying to include vegetables. I find that when I do that, I can reduce the total number of calories I’m taking in, and I need the veggies, anyway. I have also cut down on fats like salad dressing and mayo; I use less salad dressing on my salads. Instead of a (bunless) burger with cheese and mayo, I skip the cheese, and might either replace mayo with salsa, or mix a smaller amount with salsa. It’s the moisture I’m looking for, anyway, since our home burgers tend to be on the dry side.
As for exercise, I’m sticking with cardio, which currently is swimming laps or water jogging, depending on if I’m sharing space in the pool. I go for 45 minutes a session. I’m going to continue with cardio, perhaps until the end of the summer, and then at that point will likely start working on strength training in addition to cardio. For me, though, cardio is it; not only do I need to get my heart in shape, but at least for now, this is my best bet for burning calories and getting stronger at the same time.
Summary: Week 9, and everything seems to be working. Hurrah!